Christof Hanusch Gutachten

Appraisals / Expertises / Certificates of authenticity

What type of guitar is it?

  1. Where was the instrument built?
    Assignment to a region or school
  2. When was the guitar built?
    Classification of age and time of origin
  3. Who built the guitar?
    Is the existing signature genuine?
    Unsigned instruments: If possible, an attribution is made to a workshop, family or – in the best case – to a specific guitar maker.

The initial oral consultation is free of charge (donations that benefit my research are welcome).

Written appraisals require a lot of time and therefore I have to charge a fee.

Cost: Normally, I charge a flat rate of 150,- € for an expert opinion with time-limited research and average writing effort. Under certain circumstances, the amount can be reduced somewhat, but in the case of particularly complex work, it can also be higher.
A financial estimate will be agreed upon in each individual case before work on the evaluation begins.


Evaluation example on Terz guitar 1830
Evaluation example on a "Weissgerber" Spanish model
Evaluation example on a "Weissgerber" Tielke guitar
Evaluation example on Spanish model, Markneukirchen 1890

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